The Latitude

from $17.95

Pete Clements (author)

11.21.19 (release date)

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Pete Clements (author)

11.21.19 (release date)

Pete Clements (author)

11.21.19 (release date)

Florida's Citrus Belt, finest place in the world to grow citrus, Tropical Zone summers, hot, humid, rain. Temperate Zone winters, mild, possible touch of frost, minor chance of freeze. Perfect. Except, the place is directly in the flyway of airborne illegally imported illicit opioids from our neighbors to the south. They fly unseen into the U. S., bound for Midwest and East Coast distribution, invade under cover of night, land in the rural unpopulated groves, commandeer homes and barns, threaten murder, bankruptcy, economic havoc. Some brave young citizens face the traffickers, fight back, bring high seas chase all the way to Bahamas hideouts, battle vicious gunfire and a deadly  hurricane, and even find young love. Who wins? This time, you do.