Lies Lead to Death


Stephen W. Briggs (author)

8.18.22 (release date)

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Stephen W. Briggs (author)

8.18.22 (release date)

Stephen W. Briggs (author)

8.18.22 (release date)

David Grant wakes to find himself in the hold of a ship, beaten and strapped to a chair. The Family, David's name for his underground business, are searching for him. Igor Volkov, a business rival and an old colleague of The Family, ambushed David in Venezuela and wants to deliver him to the new, ruthless Russian Mafia, hoping to win their favor.

Now, many underground organizations see The Family as vulnerable. Jobs awarded to The Family are being interfered with by rivals stealing shipments of weapons, stopping assassinations, and capturing people who can reveal many of The Family's secrets.

The Family's government contact, Peter Thompson, reveals he has moles within his ranks. The traitors are circulating documents that expose secrets the government and The Family never wanted released. Peter contracts The Family to eradicate his defiant employees before they release further information to saboteurs who use the intelligence to destroy the government's integrity, and The Family's involvement with classified operations.

The Family must go on the offensive to stop the onslaught of attacks from friends and foes while internally struggling to stay relevant in a world of new technology, procedures, and a merciless way of doing business.