A Therapist's Garden: Using Plants to Revitalize Your Spirit
Erik Keller (author)
3.24.22 (release date)
Erik Keller (author)
3.24.22 (release date)
Erik Keller (author)
3.24.22 (release date)
The Zen of mixing mud with seniors; crafting surprising salads out of weeds; and a hidden rabbit bringing joy to girls in a juvenile detention center. These are a few of the nearly 100 stories that Erik Keller takes readers on through a journey of how interacting with plants and nature can help heal mental, emotional, and physical trauma. Through the lens of January to December, in a New England landscape, discover how horticultural therapy improves the lives of those in pain including special-needs children, cancer patients, and disabled seniors. Though A Therapist's Garden primarily deals with the emotional and physical benefits of nature-based interactions, it also provides an array of practical gardening advice and tips through client stories as well as monthly outings and crafts that will surprise and delight readers.