Yeah, Ben: Two Brothers and an Impossible Dream


Larry W. Plummer (author)

10.24.19 (release date)

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Larry W. Plummer (author)

10.24.19 (release date)

Larry W. Plummer (author)

10.24.19 (release date)

Josh Marshall is on trial for his life, but he doesn’t care. He has already lost more than he can bear, his brother, Ben. With no identification and no will to live, even his name he will not reveal. The secret that might free him is locked in his impenetrable will. He can imagine no greater sin than killing another man, and he will do anything to protect everyone he loves from the shame he has heaped on his family name. Chains and bars or lethal injection will not dislodge his awful truth.

A new love enters Josh’s life. A young clinical psychologist, Sarah begins to unravel Josh’s tormented past and gives him a reason to live one more day. If only she can convince him that the future is still worth living. If only she can persuade him to fight for himself, because he is her future.