A Feeling in the Bones: Second Son Chronicles Volume VIII


Pamela Taylor (author)

12.22.22 (release date)

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Pamela Taylor (author)

12.22.22 (release date)

Pamela Taylor (author)

12.22.22 (release date)

Geoffrey, Alfred's heir, and Denis, King of the Kingdom Across the Southern Sea. Two young men soon to come of age. One, having doubts as he comes to grips with the enormity of what his future holds; the other, eager to end the regency and rule in his own right. Both relying on Alfred's guidance as each birthday marks another milestone in the lives they're destined to lead.

Meanwhile, as Alfred's commanders wrestle with the inadequacy of traditional defenses against cannon warfare, they must also solidify their plans to support King Denis if he comes under attack from the Teutons. But daily life goes on, even as a long-forgotten person reappears in the kingdom, and the peace holds for now.

So why can't Alfred shake the visceral feeling that something ominous lurks just out of sight?