Reagan Rothe Reagan Rothe

If I Publish, They Will Come

While emotional release and creative expression are the reasons why I write, I have spent almost two decades seeking validation for my writing through the act of publishing.

Unfortunately (and despite all my knowledge about good mental health) my personal Hell with seeking validation through publication can be summed up in this terrible (anti) mantra that used to constantly float through my mind: If I write something and no one reads it, did I really write it at all?

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Reagan Rothe Reagan Rothe

Is Social Media Changing How We Write?

by Anne Leigh Parrish

We’ve all heard it said that readers have increasingly short attention spans. Spending time with a print medium isn’t as engaging as watching things move or interacting with content on a screen. Does this mean that we should write stories that can be eaten up in one sitting, or novels with chapters that are short, punchy, to the point, and don’t wander too much?

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Reagan Rothe Reagan Rothe

Selling Your Books to Indie Bookstores

Selling online is essential and strategically beneficial in many ways. However, wouldn't it be great to sell tons of books to direct customers inside real bookstores?

Authors always imagine seeing their book on a shelf, having someone walk in and pick up a copy, read the back cover annotation, and then BAM! purchase the book! What a concept! And contrary to most authors' psyche, if you are focusing on the right bookstores, this is definitely a strong possibility. 

In the following blog post, you will learn:

  • Why big bookstores like Barnes & Noble aren't always the best fit

  • How Indie bookstore can be profitable to Indie authors

  • How to get Indie bookstores to stock your title and actively sell

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