Joe Barrett Interview (Heard it Through the Rosevine #3)


Joe Barrett has spent the past twenty-five years as a chief executive of entrepreneurial organizations ranging from private, venture-funded companies to large publicly-listed multinational corporations. He has been a frequent speaker at National Retail Federation conferences and has sat on the boards of several for-profit and non-profit companies. His first novel, Managed Care, won the Maxy Awards 2019 “Book of the Year” as well as the PenCraft 2019 “Best Fiction Book of the Year” in addition to being a #1 Amazon bestseller in domestic and international markets. His short fiction has been published in Iconoclast, The Storyteller and The Palo Alto Review. His third novel, Unplugged, releases May 7, 2020. He lives with his wife and two children in South Tampa, Florida.


Marika Flatt Interview (Heard it Through the Rosevine #4)


Kristin Sherry Interview (Heard it Through the Rosevine #2)